Diana Emerson, Tyler Lane, Rhea Nodel, Sindbad Fennimore, Maureen Daly, Pete Winton, Becky Hersher, Jim Anthony, Tyler Schlachter, Ben Howard
Congratulations to our team of officers for 2020, elected at the quarterly membership meeting on January 25. They are:
President - Maureen Daly
Vice President - Diana Emerson
Treasurer - Bonnie Bessor
Recording Secretary - Jim Anthony
Corresponding Secretary - Susanne Riveles
Members at Large - Tyler Schlachter, Rhea Nodel
CVCBD Representatives - Pete Winton, Jo Ann Robinson
The team is already at work along with committee volunteers on neighborhood projects that will update the Open Space, improve our safety and sanitation, and lay the groundwork for the Abell film series and community street fair, to name a few.
The Executive Committee meets monthly on the morning of the second Saturday, usually at a home in the neighborhood. All residents are welcome to attend - for details about the time and location, see our calendar or contact Maureen Daly.