Abell Improvement Association
poster art by Tom Chalkley
Street Fair 2020 - September 20, noon - 5 p.m.
Enjoy a COVID-19 modified Sidewalk Fair with live porch music, delicious pre-ordered food, local sidewalk vendors, a few featured neighborhood non profits and a virtual auction.
Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there, socially distant and in a face mask.
Find us on Instagram: @abellstreetfair
10 porch performances
3030 Abell Avenue
12:00 Mr. Will
12:30 Sac Au Lait
1:00 Salem
3034 Abell Avenue
1:30 Aaron Mirenzi & Jimmy O’Keefe
3106 Abell Avenue
2:00 Jake Kohlhaus
2:30 DJ Mills (Ottobar Mills)
3:00 Cora Sone
3141 Abell Avenue
3:30 Megan & Charley Beller
4:00 Jakob Raitzyk and Rebekah Geller
4:30 Enterprize
Crab Feast! Pre-Order Only this year and delivered (contactless) directly to your porch! Please use the order form to order by September 15th.
Pre-Order thru September 19 at noon using this link: https://wellcraftedpizza.square.site
Pick up on 31st and Barclay
All orders must be in by Saturday, 9/19, at 12:00 p.m.
Everyone MUST select a pick-up time between 12:00-3:00 p.m. when ordering.
Everyone MUST wear a mask & maintain social distancing when picking up their order at 31st and Barclay.
Sidewalk Chalk Art (Near the Open Space and 31st and Barclay)
Kids Craft Kits for sale, please order by September 15th
Furbabies- That's right! This year we have included the furbabies. The Maryland Grooming team is offering Nail Trims, $10, $15 for dremeled. Dog treats for sale as well. (31st and Barclay) (32nd and Abell)
Bidding will be live Sunday, September 20, beginning at 9 a.m. Use this link: https://www.32auctions.com/Abellstreetfair
Questions about vending, contact, Diana Emerson, dmemerson16@gmail.com
Pre-order your limited edition, signed and numbered Abell Street Fair Poster! Pre-orders are now available for a limited edition run of high quality, color posters, signed by Tom Chalkley. To pre-order, email rheanodel@yahoo.com
Our annual street fair has been a great place to showcase many local non-profit organizations in past years. Though we won't see many of them in person at the fair this year, you can learn more about some of our neighborhood non-profits via Zoom this Sunday. Please use the Zoom link below to learn about the Baltimore Community Mediation Center, Baltimore Ethical Society, Abell and Charles Village Mutual Aid, LetsBmore and a few others.
Abell Street Fair, Neighborhood Non Profits.
Time: Sep 20, 2020 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
1:30 PM - The Baltimore Community Mediation Center
2:00 PM - Baltimore Ethical Society
2:30 PM - Charles Village Benefits District
3:00 PM - Abell & Charles Village Mutual Aid
3:30 PM - The Village Learning Center
4:00 PM - LetsBmore
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 2786 3396
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Thank you to our sponsors!