The Summer general membership meeting of the AIA will be an in-person meeting at the 29th Street Community Center.
Date: Saturday, August 19
Time: 10:30 a.m. - noon
Place: 29th Street Community Center, 300 E. 29th Street
Agenda to include:
Treasurer's report and updated budget
Street Fair 50th anniversary
Bake sale
Volunteer sign-up
Baluster fundraiser
State’s Attorney’s Office: Darnyle K Wharton, Community Engagement Coordinator for the Office
Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition report on Red Line and BRTA: Zaneta White
Off Campus Housing Good Neighbor Initiative: Jon Walter and Hana Hasan of JHU
Committee reports
If you would like to add an agenda item, please contact AIA president Anita Rubarth-Lay at