Please join us for our quarterly membership meeting and election of our 2022 officers via Zoom.
When: Saturday, January 29
10:30 a.m. - noon
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 882 8457 0875
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Meeting ID: 882 8457 0875
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Agenda topics to include:
· Treasurer’s final report for 2021 and proposed budget for 2022
· Election of 2022 officers
· Open Space mural
· JHU police
· Dollar Store on Greenmount Ave.
· Welcoming new neighbors, sharing Peace & Quiet Guidelines
The AIA Nominations Committee proposes the following slate of officers for 2022:
President: Diana Emerson
Vice President: Tyler Lane
Treasurer: Rhea Nöedel
Recording Secretary: Jim Anthony
Corresponding Secretary: Ruth Baker
CVCBD representative: Colin Chappell
At-large CVCA member: Caitlin Welte
At-large CVCA member: Ian Mahoney
Persons who are interested in running for any AIA office may submit their name for nomination to Pete Winton -
For link to descriptions of officers' job duties, click here: officers' roles
Please contact Maureen Daly if you have an agenda item to add -