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Shelley Treadway

Outdoor Movies in the Abell Open Space

Saturday, September 25, at sunset (7:00pm)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982, PG)

A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home world. Directed by Steven Spielberg.

Cartoons before the feature! BYO lawn chairs, blankets, snacks and bug spray to the Open Space (32nd Street between Abell & Guilford), and enjoy all the movies. Films start at sunset.

Fall movie schedule: Sun. 9/19 (after the Abell Community Street Fair) - Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009, PG)

Sat. 9/25 - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982, PG), 7:00 p.m.

Sat. 10/16 - Over the Garden Wall (2014, PG), 6:30 p.m.

Sat. 10/23 - Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit (2005, G), 6:15 p.m.

Sat. 10/30 - Coraline (2009, PG), 6:00 p.m.

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