Our general membership meeting this Wednesday will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. Only AIA members can vote. Membership is open to all residents of the Abell neighborhood.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Agenda to include:
Minutes from last meeting: vote to approve - Linda Forlifer
Nominating committee for leaders 2022 - Jim Anthony
Charles Village Community Benefits District report from representative Colin Chappell
Housing: welcoming new neighbors with door tag information - Maureen Daly
Communication - Shelley Treadway, Emil Volchek, Becky Hersher
Subcommittee on Hopkins private police force - Emil Volchek
Greenways: project to redesign 33rd Street for bikes - Diana Emerson
Vote by membership on Greenways project
Sanitation: recycling cans and upcoming clean up efforts - Sindbad Fennimore
Announcements from guests - City Council
To add an agenda item, contact Maureen Daly - maureen.daly4@gmail.com