Dear neighbors,
The outpouring of offers of support for our neighbors affected by the fire on June 15 has been amazing and heartwarming. It is a true testament to our community’s strength and the caring neighbors that we have. We are pleased to report that our understanding is that all of the victims have found alternate accommodations and their basic needs are met for now. One person is still in the hospital and has a place to go after they are discharged.
Baltimore Police have confirmed that the fire was set intentionally. We expect that local authorities will inform the community if they determine it is a hate crime.
We know that you are eager to help our neighbors. The Abell Improvement Association (AIA) is the community association whose boundaries include the block where the fire took place. The leadership of AIA is fundraising for the fire victims through PayPal. This method will serve as the quickest and most cost-effective way to provide financial support for our neighbors. Donations for fire victim assistance can be sent through PayPal to AIA. The email address for the PayPal account is; choose the option to "send to a friend," and please add a note that your contribution is for fire relief.
You can use this QR code to contribute via PayPal:
Checks can also be made to AIA and mailed to our Treasurer Rhea Nodel at 3103 Abell Ave., Baltimore, MD 21218. We do not have a Venmo option at this time.
While the fundraising has commenced, we do believe it’s important to continue to give space to the affected neighbors so that they can get settled in their temporary accommodations and deal with their insurance companies. Many of them are very overwhelmed right now, and constant questioning, or even well-meaning offers of help, could overwhelm them more.
As we know, in the aftermath of a disaster, there are, unfortunately, people who take advantage of these types of situations and create fraudulent fundraisers. We certainly do not want to see that happen in this situation. We encourage you to only act on fundraising and relief efforts that are publicized through official AIA channels.
These are the official AIA channels:
Website: Listserve: emails will come through from an officer of AIA Emails from Facebook:
Please also be aware that there are a lot of inaccurate rumors out there, as well as inaccurate information from the media. We advise that you consume and share media with scrutiny, and help keep rumors from spreading. If you have questions, please direct them to
Thank you, AIA Executive Committee