Address: 301 E 32nd St, Baltimore, MD 21218
Contact: Tyler Schlachter,
Project Overview
The Abell Improvement Association (AIA) was incorporated in 1973 as the official neighborhood association for the Abell Community.
The Abell Open Space is a small city-owned and community-managed green space - roughly 10,000 square feet, situated along 32nd Street between Guilford Avenue and Abell Avenue. Features of the site include a swing set, picnic tables, naturalistic climbing logs, and a playhouse that is used by the local community. The Open Space also has a large grassy area used for recreation and a small memorial garden in the southwest corner. The location attracts neighbors from throughout northern Charles Village and the surrounding neighborhoods.
The Open Space is a neighborhood landmark. The site is a popular gathering point for artists, students, families, pet owners, walkers and just about anyone who finds themselves nearby. Many neighborhood events take place at or end up at the Open Space - parades, parties, garage sales, memorials, yard games and performances are just a few of the common uses of the space that is a resource for anyone in the community.
During the summer months the Abell Improvement Association shows movies at the Open Space on Friday evenings. The site is especially active in late afternoons and on Saturday mornings, when its location a block from the Waverly Farmers’ Market attracts many users from outside the neighborhood. The wall for this project is highly visible and it is expected that the proposed mural will reflect positively upon the many visitors to the space.
The AIA seeks proposals for a public art mural project for the 1-story brick north-facing wall along the south side of the 32nd Street Abell Open Space. The garages that form the brick wall are owned by a third party that has signed a memorandum of understanding to allow AIA to install a mural on the whole of 32nd Street side of the structure. Artists are invited to submit a proposal for this exciting opportunity to provide a highly visible, large-scale work of art.
Mural Site

The space designated for this mural is a long brick wall facing the 32nd Street Abell Open Space in Baltimore, MD. The dimensions of the wall are 90’ x 10’. The wall surface is irregular, consisting of historical brick.
Project Goals
The primary goal of the Abell Open Space Public Mural Project is to beautify and enhance the area, making it even more welcoming to pedestrians and playground visitors. In addition, AIA hopes the mural will:
● Integrate a sense of place, announcing that you have arrived at the Abell Open Space through text and/or imagery
● Celebrate the rich character and history of the neighborhood and Baltimore through the use of form, color and subject matter for public viewing of all ages
● Foster interaction and evoke appreciation by the community and the general public ● Fit well within the context of the site
● Include preparation of the brick wall for mural application
● Use materials of the highest quality, designed and fabricated for durability and low maintenance—including the application of an anti-graffiti protective coating/sealant.
● Engage the community through participation and input throughout the mural development and creation process (To be inspired by what community members hope for the mural, please see the full results of our community survey)
Additional Project Considerations
● Material requirements will be discussed as part of the design discussion and approval.
● Materials for the mural will be supplied within the budget of the AIA project team.
● Following completion of the mural, the artist will not be responsible for the maintenance of the mural, although consultations on upkeep may be requested from the AIA.
Application Requirements
● Artist background, qualifications and portfolio examples
● Statement or cover letter explaining why this project appeals to you
● Details of previously completed murals or large-scale public works
● Timeline
● Itemized budget
● Proposals are required to be submitted by Friday, February 18, 2022 by 5:00 pm
● The project budget is not to exceed $7,500 for an artist or team of collaborative artists
● The budget must include the artist(s) fee, materials, rental equipment, and all other associated costs
Proposals should include a timeline with the expectation that the project would be completed before September 2022.
Key dates (subject to change):
● January 3, 2022 — Announcement and distribution of RFP
● January 29, 2022 — Quarterly AIA meeting
● February 18, 2022 — Deadline for proposals
● March 4, 2022 — Selected artist announced
● September 2, 2022 — Latest acceptable mural reveal date
RFP Response and Deadline Proposals should be submitted to Tyler Schlachter of the Abell Improvement Association by February 18, 2022. Questions can be answered as they are received: